
Sunday, 23 February 2020

10 Year Anniversary

I know I've not been so active on this blog of late, but I realized the other day that it has now been 10 years since I started and I felt I needed a post to at least commenerate that occasion.

And what a decade it has been. In 2010 I was a data analyst and Alteryx user a few months away from heading to a conference which at that point was called Extend The Reach, but in fact turned out to be the first ever Inspire.

Ten years on and I am a Principal Software Engineer working for Alteryx and on my way to my 15th Inspire conference, which with the Analyticon rebranding might turn out to be the very last.

To say this software has changed my life would be an understatement. But 10 years on I still love this product as much as I did when I first started using it. Last week I requalified for my advanced certification and enjoyed the thrill of once more using the product against the clock.

I look forward to catching up with all of you who will be in Sydney this week. I'm still excited as ever about Inspire and the people and challenges I will meet in the solution centre.



  1. Congrats and I just wanted to say a big thank you for all your help on the community and these macros (Im still working my way to figure how to use them but I know its good stuff)

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