Last week I had the pleasure of attending my 9th Alteryx Inspire conference at the Aria hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada. As always I enjoyed meeting all of our customers, partners and Aces and left the conference feeling exhausted but inspired.
Here are my top 10 personal highlights from the event:
1. The Solution Center - This remains my all time favourite part of Inspire. A chance to meet with customers and help solve their challenges with Alteryx. When I'm not booked in anywhere else this is where I spend all of my time. Came away this year with ideas for a couple of new CReW macros, plus I got a couple of Alteryx Aces to help me out with a problem I was having on a personal Alteryx project.
2. 9 Inspires but 6 years - Explaining to people how I'd been to 9 Inspire conferences, but only been with Alteryx for 6 years (One conference as a client, an extra for London last year and fence post counting)
3. Training - Very excited this year to be able to deliver a training course on the CReW macros.
4. CReW Macros in the Keynotes - Was very pleased that the CReW macros were mentioned in both Dean's and the product keynote. Great to see the recognition for the work we have done as a community building these macros.
5. Mark Frisch named Community Top Contributor of the Year - When the award category came up on the screen I knew there was only one person who was going to win it this year. Fantastic to see all the amazing work Mark does in the community being recognised.
6. New CReW icon - Created by the very talented Tara McCoy the CReW macro pack now has its own icon. Thanks Tara!
7. Alteryx Periodic Table - More awesome artwork from Tara and given away at Inspire: The Alteryx Tools as a periodic table! Check it out and get your own copy over on the community!
8. Closing Keynote - I always enjoy the closing keynotes at Inspire and this year was no exception with an entertaining talk from Freakonomics author Stephen Dubner. Some great lessons in story telling and data collecting.
9. Alteryx Card Game - I enjoy playing card games, but not sure I have ever featured in one before!
10. Ned's Keynote - Great as always to see Ned talk about the product. As an employee of a public listed company I am unable to repeat here what he covered. But if you are interested there are still tickets available for Inspire Europe in London in September! Hope to see you there.