So this weekend I thought I would take a look at what the differences might be. Now it has been a long time since I have written anything in SAS, so first step was a quick google to find out how the Proc Transpose tool worked. I came across this excellent tutorial:
I decided I would recreate the lessons from this document using Alteryx. Upon starting I realised why they had been having trouble, the Proc Transpose function of SAS is closer to an Alteryx cross tab than transpose, but in actual fact to reproduce the results exactly Alteryx needs a transpose and cross tab tool.
I could have tried to turn my modules into a SAS Proc Transpose macro for Alteryx however I don't believe that would be the most efficient way of doing things in Alteryx. I am not presenting these examples as the best way of doing things in Alteryx; more of a way for SAS analysts to get a handle on the differences between the two tools. I think if you are going to program efficiently in any language you need to think about your solution in terms of how that language works.
My example modules can be downloaded below:
As always feel free to post any comments/questions here or e-mail me directly.
Just to be clear it is not that Alteryx tools aren't as efficient as SAS they are just different and I have added an extra example to each lesson which I have titled "The Alteryx Way" which shows what I think an Alteryx analyst would do to transform the example data. summer lawn clothes , new lawn 2016