
Wednesday, 12 May 2010

Street View Macro

Following on from Ron's great post about using HTMLPassThrough here.  I would like to share with you all the Street View macro which came out of the same brainstorm in the solution centre at Extend 2010.

What it does is allow you to insert a Google Street View iframe into an html report from a given set of x, y co-ordinates without needing to know about HTMLPassThrough or indeed worrying about it. It uses a couple of interesting techniques including HTMLPassThrough and batch macros. I'm not going to go into huge amounts of details of how it works here, the modules are commented so just let me know if you have any specific questions.

So here it is:

Just drop all the files in the zip into your macros folder. Usually something like C:\Program Files\SRC\Alteryx5.0\RuntimeData\Macros\.

I've also created an amended version of the presidents report sample here:

Extract this one to here to see it work: C:\Program Files\SRC\Alteryx5.0\RuntimeData\Samples\Reporting Samples\

Only caveats I'm going to throw in for this one is that it is html reports only (it's an iframe after all) and if you are going to use it make sure you do so within Google's licence agreement.

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